LEGAL NOTICE: License Agreement & Terms of Use
The embroidery designs on our site are licensed for the use of the original purchaser only, including the free samples. You may sew them on items for yourself, for gifts, and for sale. You may not sell, transfer, trade, give-away, or otherwise share the design files themselves, in whole or in part, without written permission from the designer: Krisann Robles of Ark and Dove Designs and/or Judie Breunig of Attic Treasures & Sew Easy Sewing Studio.
You may combine our designs with your own text or another file to sew out on items for personal or commercial use but not to create an embroidery file of your own for sale, for trade, or to give away. The rights to the design files remain with the original designer: Krisann Robles of Ark and Dove Designs and/or Judie Breunig of Sew Easy Sewing.
These files may never be included in any collection for free or for sale, to do so, is a violation of the terms of this licensing agreement and International Copyright Law.
You may choose your own colors! Please don't limit your creativity to our color choices. Please do NOT color sort our designs, great care is taken to create just the right look and sometimes that requires extra color changes. You may not be happy with the finished product if you choose to sort the colors.
If you have questions or concerns, please use the "Contact Us" form.